Fallout shelter what is the shelter closest to vault 111
Fallout shelter what is the shelter closest to vault 111

Which of these did Moira not send the Lone Wanderer to? Nuka-Cola Plant.What store does Moira send the Lone Wanderer to for food? Super-Duper Mart.What book was Moria trying to write? Wasteland Survival Guide.Where was Kellogg's headquarters? Fort Hagen.Which of the following is not a location in the Commonwealth? Harbor Hotel.Where was Lorenzo Cabot held prisoner? Parson State Insane Asylum.The Children of Atom make their home in what region of the Commonwealth? The Glowing Sea.Who is the DJ for Galaxy News Radio? Three Dog.What deadly creature lurks in the Salem Museum of Witchcraft? Deathclaw.Who was the Sheriff of Megaton? Lucas Simms.Who is the most famous reporter in Diamond City? Piper Wright.Which group worships the Glow? Children of Atom.What little boy was trapped in a refrigerator in the commonwealth? Billy.Which famous statue lost its head? Abraham Lincoln.Who is trapped at the top of Trinity Tower? Rex Goodman.What group did Sarah Lyons belong to? The Brotherhood of Steel.What was Rivet City before the war? Aircraft Carrier.Who was the insane leader of the Republic of Dave? Dave.Questions sorted by Quest Duration Duration: 14h 0m Spoiler warning: please be aware that there may be spoilers for other Fallout games in this post and it's comments. HUGE thanks to /u/piqs00 for sharing this information! When contributing, please include this information if you have it. Update: Quests are now sorted by duration. Vague or clickbait titled posts will be removedĦ) All posts and comments, in end, come down to moderator discretion. No hacking discussion whatsoever.ĥ) Please use appropriate titles.

fallout shelter what is the shelter closest to vault 111

Intentional spoilers will result in a ban. Titles and comments containing spoilers may be removed without notice. We are not /r/gaming.Ĥ) Use and abuse spoiler tags when applicable. It's currently now available for android, ios and even PC.ġ) Posts must be directly related to Fallout: Shelter.Ģ) Image macros / Memes are not permitted as posts.ģ) Unnecessary flaming, personal attacks, etc will be removed. The main objective is to expand your vault to gather resources, knowledge. What's Fallout Shelter?įallout Shelter is a mobile game where you create and manage your own vault as a overseer at Vault-Tec.

fallout shelter what is the shelter closest to vault 111

Your number one place for all things Fallout: Shelter. Fallout Shelter Update ideas thread | 7-16-2016.Fallout Shelter Strategy Discussion archive.

Fallout shelter what is the shelter closest to vault 111